Tuesday, September 9, 2008

What a ZOO!!

I had a great weekend, and one of the highlights was going to the Zoo! This is probably the first time in two years (?) that I’ve been to the zoo. Crazy, isn’t it?! Every time I go, I realize how much I love it and that I should go more often. This time I went with my parents, my brother-in-law, sister and two nephews, along with my brother-in-law’s parents and his two sisters and their families! Quite the group! I’ve never gone with kids before, and seeing Carter, Hudson, Colin, Zach and Christian enjoy the animals and exhibits made the experience EVEN MORE fun! I felt like quite the photographer, with my “new” camera….although I made a rookie mistake by not charging my battery beforehand. It died half-way into the trip and so I didn’t get as many pics as I wanted to, but I got some cute ones!
Check out the slide shows….

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A couple of highlights:

Carter climbed up a (small) fence to look over at the peacock on the other side. I was standing next to him and he said, “Dat pea-pock is wooking up at us wike ‘what are dose peep-o doing up dare?’” (Translation: That peacock is looking up at us, like “what are those people doing up there?”) Priceless!

Carter standing next to the aquarium to take a picture: “Don’t worry Mom. I’m not scared to stand next to the sharks.”

Zach & I were enjoying Kingdom of the Night. By enjoy, I mean I was trying to be braver than Zach, who is currently 8 years old. We bent over to try to find the Boa (aka. Big Ass Snake) in its cage. Pete pinched Zach’s leg and made a really loud noise, but it scared me more than Zach---I jumped, turned around and completely WHACKED Pete on the arm. One of those slaps that made my hand burn for a couple of seconds after it. Oops!

Papa Ron made a new ‘friend’ at the Butterfly Pavilion. One of the butterflies landed on his shirt and one of the Zookeepers (?) had to remove it before leaving….I think he did it on purpose-j/k!

Hudson loved the aquarium…while we were looking at the jellyfish, I swear he pointed and said “ISH” (fish).

I miss the boys already-boohoo!

Until next time!

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